Avoid These 5 Mistakes When Purchasing New Lockers
February 24, 2023
There are many reasons you might be looking to purchase new lockers—perhaps you need them for your school hallways or locker rooms, or you’re a business owner looking to install some workplace lockers. No matter what type of locker you’re looking for, you’ve likely realized that the search is much more complicated than you initially thought.
There’s a lot to consider when purchasing new lockers. Is it better to order the lockers assembled or unassembled? And should you order them in bulk? Luckily, this guide will take you through the answers to these questions and more. By the end, you’ll know all about the most common issues customers run into during the purchasing process and will be able to go about ordering your lockers with ease.
Here are five mistakes to avoid when purchasing new lockers.
1.) Understanding the Difference Between Assembled and Unassembled
One big hurdle consumers run into when it comes to buying new lockers is the decision of whether to order lockers assembled or unassembled. Firstly, it’s important to understand the difference. When you order assembled Salsbury Industries lockers, those lockers are assembled by experts in our factory setting before they ever reach your door. Unassembled lockers, conversely, are lockers that you have to put together yourself.
There are advantages and disadvantages to going either route. Assembled lockers will save you a ton of stress and labor since you don’t have to do any of the actual assembling—the completed product will arrive, ready to be placed in your school or workplace. But assembled lockers do tend to be more expensive and take a slightly longer time to be delivered.
Unassembled lockers are less expensive than assembled ones. Salsbury Industries’ unassembled lockers are also generally delivered quicker and ship within one to two business days. All of Salsbury Industries’ unassembled lockers include the required hardware to assemble the lockers as well. But even with those tools, you are still going to be looking at far more labor than you would with assembled lockers.
So, it all depends on your budget, resources, and capabilities. If you’ve got the budget, you may want to spring for assembled lockers. But if you don’t, don’t worry! Lockers.com has resources and customer support to help you properly assemble our lockers yourself. For more information on whether you should go with assembled or unassembled lockers for your facility, click here.
2.) Always Buy In Bulk
Another thing to consider when you’re purchasing lockers is whether or not to buy them in bulk. You may feel tempted to order one locker at a time. But this is one of the biggest mistakes consumers make when purchasing lockers.
There are great savings to be had when you buy in bulk. Clearly, it makes much more financial sense to order your lockers in bulk rather than individually. For more information on the bulk pricing of our lockers, just contact us.
3.) Understanding Lead Times and Prepare Accordingly
Lead time is the length of time it takes from the start of a process to the end. When it comes to purchasing new lockers, lead time refers to the time from when Salsbury Industries receives your order to delivery. This is important to keep in mind when you order—will your lockers arrive in time for when you need them?
Unassembled metal lockers usually ship within twenty-four to forty-eight hours and are a great option when lockers are needed on site quickly. Most assembled lockers take a bit longer. They tend to ship within three to five days.
As you place your order, pay attention to the lead time of the lockers. Otherwise, you may not get your lockers at the time that would work best for you.
4.) ADA Accessible Lockers
It is important that your lockers conform to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. This way, people who are in wheelchairs can use the lockers with ease. Salsbury’s metal lockers and wood lockers can be customized to conform to ADA locker requirements for accessibility and usability.
The vertical location of the locker unit’s lowest shelf location above the finished floor controls the quantity of locker compartments that comply with the reach requirements. With an adjustment to the shelf location, Salsbury lockers meet the operation and reach needs of the user.
For more information on how to be sure that your lockers meet ADA requirements, click here.
5.) Purchase Factory Direct
You may be struggling to decide between ordering factory direct or from a retailer. There are many advantages to purchasing directly from the manufacturer rather than a retailer. One is that you will save money—manufacturers like Salsbury Industries often times offer lower prices than retailers.
A manufacturer is also able to provide better, more direct customer service since it cuts out the middleman. Factory workers will apply more attention to detail to your project as well. Another big perk is that you will generally enjoy faster lead times than you would with a retailer. Save money and time by ordering factory direct from a manufacturer like Salsbury Industries.
Hopefully, this guide has helped you to understand the five biggest mistakes people make when purchasing new lockers and how to avoid them. Click here to begin browsing through our wide selection of lockers and order the ones that are perfect for your facility.